Thursday 12 April 2018

Working in Canada: Rewards and challenges for immigrants

Canada is one of those countries, which is known for the high levels of people’s immigration. Here millions of different castes and cultures are coming every each year.
In the past 15 years, Canada has brought about 35 lakh immigrants, one of the highest per capita rates of permanent population in our country – in recent years about 0.8 percent of Canada’s total population. Most of the immigrants enter Canada on basis of the skilled program in Canada.
But in one of the two main ways to get into Canada – either a permanent resident or temporary employee can take time – and after arriving there is no guarantee that you will get a job at your level within reasonable time.
What then are the rewards and challenges of immigrating to Canada for employment?
The Rewards: There are many opportunities in a peaceful, democratic country
Canadian employers are well aware of the benefits of recruiting migrants. Newcomers are hard work and reliable, they bring international experience and fresh ideas with them. There are even some employers who like to work with people from other countries and cultures, especially companies that do business abroad or who are in the market for ethnic audiences within Canada.
Make Canada your new home
After being accepted for your work, you have all kinds of resources. It also includes settlement agencies that help you find a place to live and use in Canadian culture; Free language courses to help you learn English or French; A job search center specifically for internationally trained job seekers, and much more.
Yet you should keep in mind that the competition for jobs in Canada is intense. Be prepared for a longer and more difficult search in search of employment, what you expected. And read our series of articles that describe the success stories of others who have chosen Canada as their new home.
Job Search Challenges for Newcomers & Immigrants
You might think that there will be enough opportunity for everyone in such a big country, but you should know that compared to previous years the rate of unemployment in Canada is relatively high and for newcomers, this rate is almost double.
In fact, only one in four overseas-educated immigrants in Canada works in businesses that actually match their abilities. Compare this figure to about two out of three Canadian-born and educated professionals working in their chosen area.
Employment conditions in your favor
Despite the somewhat daunting odds, there are some advantages that newcomers and immigrants may have over established Canadians.
For example, employers here know that many newcomers are ready to work for long or for a lower rate of pay. Other employers value your international experience and various ideas. Apart from this, you speak an additional language (s) different from English and French, which can be very useful for employers who are trying to reach other Canadians from your racial or cultural background, or who do business with those countries. Are there languages where your languages (s) are spoken?
Even if you seek more information about Immigration to Canada  you can write an email on and one of the most experienced immigration consultants will get in touch with you to help you out with your questions and concerns or you can also choose to call us on +1-905-270-8518, +1-647-274-2136.

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